*Swim~Bike~Run-WORKOUTS / Videos--Here!

PR Tri Team~ Summer Workout schedule.

Outdoor Run and Triathlon workout Groups !

This is the 2011 Outdoor Summer
P.R. Tri Team
Swim-Bike-Run workout schedule

Note*-all meeting times will NOW Be 6:30 PM untill Fall!

Tuesdays --Run group -6:30 PM; trail/hill run and a track workout.(1 week @ track ………………………..1 week @ trail) (*see detail schedule below)
Wednesdays.-- Open water swim(once water is +66') (6:30 PM)-(Linwood park, …………………………....Vermilion) *bring run shoes,in case bad water conditions!
Thursdays--Cycling workout- 6:30 PM (at sherrod park, Vermilion -)see link …………….below--(Vermilion) on marked course
**(There are 3 cycling courses we ride- please contact me for which one we will ride on each Thursday!) on 12.3 or 24.6 miles
#1- Sherod Park -Bike course link
- http://www.blogger.com/pageedit.g?blogID=7471023671936142087&pageID=7884524887781170278

#2- Brownhelm Bike Course link; (at Cong. church)

#3 - Mason rd. course - Maple Cemetery

(*Please confirm with me before you attend !)- DanielJS111@aol.com

PR Tri Team workout -

Costs are as follows:
(FYI-This is how I make a living)

for a single workout =$12 drop in fee -for 1x.
1x a week--- $55 ...each month!
2x a week--- $85....each month
3x a week--- $120 ....each month

Some PR Team members
at the First tri of the 2011 season
 Maumee Bay Tri

*Fee-Payable on your first workout of each month-(Cash or check -payable to me)


We will meet at tuesdays @ 6:30 pm-(see schedule below)

Mill Hollow Metro Park (near Amherst)

Vermilion HS Track (Vermilion off rt 60).-until July and then we will be at Avon Lake HS Track- on every Tuesday run !
*August -we move back out west...(see  below)

Schedule of when and where RUN group will meet

6:30 PM -- Tuesday 8/3 -- Mill Hollow Park (Vermilion)
6:30 PM -- Tuesday 8/10 -- Mill Hollow Park (Vermilion)

6:30 PM -- Tuesday 8/17 -- Mill Hollow Park trail-
6:30 PM -- Tuesday 8/24 -- Mill Hollow Park (Vermilion)

6:30 PM -- Tuesday 9/06 --Mill Hollow Park (Vermilion)
6:30 PM -- Tuesday 9/13 --Mill Hollow Park (Vermilion)
6:30 PM -- Tuesday 9/20 --Mill Hollow Park (Vermilion)

Link to Mill Hollow Park; (meet at trail beginning )N/E back lothttp://maps.google.com/maps/place?cid=9755024012648595767&q=mill+hollow+metro+park&hl=en

Link to VHS Run night

Mill Hollow run night map

Beginners welcome!

Please bring water/towel
(Rain or shine -Unless it has lightning! )


*SWIM- Wednesdays at 6:30 PM- at Linwood Park In VermilionWe will start to swim when the water temp is 67'F- or above! -& always bring run shoes in case we cannot swim!Linwood park Map;http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Linwood+Park,+Vermilion,+OH&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=35.410182,78.662109&ie=UTF8&hq=Linwood+Park&hnear=Linwood+Park,+Vermilion,+Erie,+Ohio+44089&ll=41.427347,-82.355661&spn=0.032757,0.076818&z=14&iwloc=nearwl
Swim @ Linwwod park in Vermilion --meet near the "ice cream stand" inside park
please be prepared to beach run if water is too wavy and dangerous to swim! -{also water and towel!}

CYCLING Training Night
*We will meet Thursdays at Sherrod park on Rt 6... 6:30 PM-
{Sherod Park is 2.3 miles west of downtown Vermilion,}

~Group cycling ride on a quiet safe & marked Bike course~

*please bring anything you may need (Printed course map-water bottles, bike shoes, sun-glasses, - HELMET is Mandatory ),as well as cell phone and towel.you can do one or two loops of the course..(see link below)

(Bring a cell phone &; a ziplock baggie! -(To keep phone /map dry)

(be prepared!-You should know the roads and course!)

click link below.. . starts on N. side of Rt 6 at Coen rd. (sherrod Park)

Sherrod Park Bike course map link-


* note all intersections we must be cautious and aware and -STOP)

Brownhelm course link-


questions..? -ask me , Please respond to me with an email if you plan on attending!


I am so looking forward to having you as part of our P.R. Triathlon Team!

feel free to also contact me with any questions .


-There's not telling what you can do when you get inspired by them. There's no telling what you can do when you believe in them. There's no telling what will happen when you act upon them." ...

